Specialists, whose scientific and practical activities correspond to the subject of the Congress, can take part in Congress.

Participation is free.

Registration is required.

Registration entitles you to attend all the program activities of the Congress and to obtain a set of materials that includes:

  • Personal badge
  • Congress materials (book of abstracts, program and exhibition catalog)
  • Certificate
  • Additional info materials

Specialists whose scientific and practical activities correspond to the subject of the Congress, may apply for including their oral report to the Program.

The decision to include the presentation (oral or poster) in the Conference program is made by the Organizing Committee.

The authors of the presentations included in the Conference program will be notified by email and/or by phone.

All abstracts (of presentations and posters), included in the Program, will be published in the Congress book.

All abstracts, published in the Congress book, will be added to the Russian system РИНЦ / Science Index*.

  • Abstract submission deadline is 01 May 2025.
  • When you apply for presentation, you should adhere to the requirements and make the form for sending abstracts
  • Abstracts should not be previously published or sent for publication in other editions.
  • The abstract should contain:
    • the purpose and objectives of the study;
    • materials and methods;
    • results and conclusions.
  • Not allowed abstracts based on other papers and literature reviews.
  • All abbreviations can be used only after mentioning complete term.
  • The text cannot contain tables, charts and figures.
  • The number of characters may not exceed 4500, including spaces (the length of the title, author and institution information are not taken into account).
By submitting abstracts, you confirm your consent to their publication in the Congress Book and in the Russian system РИНЦ / Science Index*  (in case of inclusion your paper as a poster or oral presentation in the Congress Program).

The abstract submission system is accessible until 01 May 2025.
  1. Login to Personal account.
  2. In the left menu select Abstracts.
  3. Click Add abstract.
  4. Input abstract in the form fields.
  5. Click Add abstract.
  6. Abstract added. You can check the link in the list of Participants.

You can submit your abstracts after registration or login.

Login Register

Abstract editing deadline is 01 May 2025.
  1. Login to Personal account.
  2. In the left menu select Abstracts.
  3. Select abstract and click Edit.
  4. Edit abstract.
  5. Click Save changes.
  6. Abstact was edited successfully. 

Oral presentation

  1. The work needs to be scheduled for 10 minutes of presentation.
  2. Speakers are kindly requested to use PowerPoint MS Office.
  3. Recommended format 16:9.
  4. You need to provide your presentation to the speaker’s room not later than 1 hour before your session starts.


  1. Posters should be prepared under a complex of slides PowerPoint® file.
  2. Number of slides in your poster-report should not be more than 25.
  3. Poster should be in PDF. If you have done your Power Point presentation, press File, then Export and Create PDF.
  4. Examples of electronic poster presentations can be found here.
  5. Please provide your electronic poster to the speaker’s room any day of conference, but it’s better to send it in advance by email.